Blogging in the office, especially for a new worker like me is a big no no. But being sleepy like mad as its awfully boring and quiet in here, might as well i do something to occupy myself. Teehee. Bad ibah.
I'm officially bloated at the moment.
Had a superb lunch with my colleagues at the pantry; lovely ta pao from one of our fav stall which we called 'makcik tiga ringgit'. Nasi penuh, ayam masak sambal, some veggies, and lotsa lotsa tempe. And we had apam balik afterwards. And right now i'm munching some cookies. My goodness.
Yesterday, Daniel brought me to a superb luncheon with some of his clients at the OneWorld hotel. Rounds of nasi beryani, sushi, chinese soup (no wait, i skipped the soup round), brownies,, i nearly throw up on the last round of dessert! But the marshmallow dipped with chocolate syrup were absolutely....uhmmmmmmmmm, yummy. Talking about perks of having a very very generous boss. He even offered to supply me with hot blokes. But i said "No, Daniel. No, thanks." Wonder if the word i-need-a-boyfriend was written all over my face.
Finally, had the chance to meet up with my girlfriends for dinner. (i miss them so so much!)Another round of fooooood. By the time we bid goodbyes, my tummy felt as if twas gonna burst. My pants was bloody tight. My tummy overhangs from my pants!
Despite tummy feeling quite upset, i managed to made my way and met him up afterwards. Spent the rest of the night sipping coffee and chats.
me: My tummy is super bloated right now. (Half whispering) Ohmygod...its really showing!
him: What bloated tummy? I dont see any bloated tummy there.
me: (Pointing to my tummy).
him: No, this (pointing to his tummy) is a bloated tummy.
me: No, this (pointing to my own tummy) is a bloated tummy.
him: No, this is.
me: No, this is.
him: Dont argue with me, this is a bloated tummy.
Okay, so we both have bloated tummy allright.
But yea, if i am to gain another five damn kilos i would still look like a skinny matchstick.
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