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The Day I Was Feeling Lucky

Today must be my lucky day.

I've been under a lot of pressure with work of late. Learned that gathering content is not as easy as it may seem. I've been dealing with a lot of slow replies from all the distributors which is totally frustrating.

My last straw came about yesterday - one email to GSC for a quick follow up.

This morning I finally received a reply from their distributor team which was a very very favorable one on my part. They will get the trailers ready by next week and have it sent to us monthly.

Now i believe, there's always a silver lining waiting on a cloudy day.

I am so going to reward myself with something today. Cookies? Mmm....tempting.

I was out the whole day yesterday with no mood whatsoever, trying to get my life sorted. I was generally pissed and disssapointed.

Went to the hypermarket with MN and Elyna. Picked up a lot of unwanted candies and chocs. The three of us was sitting on the bench over-looking an empty parking lot, eating them tootsie rolls when she turned around and said 'this feels good....with friends hanging out and do nothing'.

It sounds like a line from a movie scene with her wearing baju kurung and me looking so miserable.

Also, got a friendly reply from Robert who's interested with my street shots. Oh man, if there's any opportunity that he could help me to exhibit them in Berlin...i'll run around in the street and yell 'Mak, anak omak dah berjayo!'

My Bon Odori picture was published online. Seen on Reuters.

It's nothing but heck...its not everyday I see my name credited on reuters. Tsk, tsk. The height of super-poyoness, i know.

You can click on the image and view it large to see how poyo I am.

Comments for this entry


Very nice Blog..chanced upon it when looking googling for "Street Photography Malaysia"

Hope to join your group soon


thanks :)

you can always find the group in flickr under the name 'malaysia street photography'

happy flikcring :))


wah.. u are really damn good now!
btw congrat on THAT good news ;P
i read it at facebook..


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