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A super long hiatus.

I can't believe that my last update was in July. It has been a terribly long hiatus and so I owe you a deep apology and many thanks for changing the links for me.

Oh wow. Many things had happened the past months of August and October. I dont think I need to blog it in, mundane business really, but all I can tell you is that life has been totally challenging and definitely interesting. Yea, I do notice that I've been repeating the same phrase in the manner of a mantra but life is...well, like that.

The months that I went missing was spent entirely at home with my family, entertaining the business of life. It came as a shocking to me when I decided to quit the job that I love so much. Now I don't know if I can explain the leap I made. It's like jumping off to another planet.

I actually could never picture myself not doing anything other than being a blardy workaholic. I eat, breathe and poop work.

But at some point, certain things took an abrupt turn and suddenly I'm a housewife. The beat changes, the air smells fresher. It's a big change that I forced myself to swallow but its all worth it. I thank God everyday that He has given me the chance to concentrate on my family and I spent the whole Ramadhan at home cooking, borak with my mom and browsing through bazaar ramadhan with MN. I can never regret this decision.

I took a long, deep rest. I hibernate.

I would love to say that I'm easing my way back into the swing of things now that we've moved in to the new place. Eka and Nadiah came over and hang out earlier on. Its great to have them around as neighbors. Especially now that we are officially family, the bond seems to be stronger.They helped us out a lot when we first moved in and we're really growing into this new place. Its really serene and just totally beautiful. The security is pretty tight and it gets really quiet by the day. Neighbors wave hello from their porch with a cuppa in hand, some young teens play basketball every other night and kids cycle around without worry.
A great place to start a family actually. We have cat-neighbors too and our two tabbies seem to enjoy their company every evening.

I was offered the position of a copywriter with a Japanese agency and for a self-taught like me, the offer came in as a huge news. I passed the second interview, Alhamdullilah, and is now waiting for their final answer. I was competing with five other professional copywriters during the first round and honestly, real ad agency scares the shit out of me. But I suppose, after all these years working my butt off, I do deserve someting worth straining my eyeballs for.

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