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Passport To Life

It has been a long week so far.

There were an incredible amount of task piling up at work and home which left me with little time to blog. Yesterday was trapped nearly the whole day at the immigration re-newing passport and I was desperately need to do it before mid December.

Today was no exception. Was busy rushing up jobs before leaving for Penang tomorrow. Yours truly will be conducting a small interview for a magazine's article. Received tons of advice and support from my strategist who is aware of my panic-attack. Hihi. I get nervous breakdown pretty easily, I admit and it often strike without warning. How sad.

Despite that, the first meeting ever conducted by myself, on Tuesday went really well. Alhamdullilah. Was extremely pleased with the result and hope the project will gain its momentum after the first leap. It may be nothing compared to other accounts handled by my strategist or senior acc manager but hey, considered that I've only been with the agency for a month and to the fact that I'm only a copywriter, I felt rather excited to be appointed to lead a project. Inshallah, with His willing all will be okay.

Work aside, I'm looking forward to the weekend. Have nothing in plan right now but this could be yet another spontaneous opportunity to do something exciting. That long overdue hike, perhaps? Had my Saturday planned by Nadiah and Eka who dragged me out for post-birthday cupcake treat at Wondermilk. Awesome time discussing life, business and culture whilst sipping earl grey and baked potatoe with chicken filling. Yummeh! This weekend, I'm just gonna see what life has in store for me.

Happy Friday, in advance!

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