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Married And Be Really Married.

I had the loveliest Sunday. The best in my life.

A lot of people around me were asking ‘how is it like, marriage?’

Honestly, most of the time, I was lost without any words to answer. Truth is, perspective of love changes dramatically when you get married. When you’re in one you might understand. The whole relationship thingy is just on a whole new level. Nothing really changes except that the fact its getting steadier and deeper at this stage with its own set of expectation, value and responsibility.

Essentially, everything changes.

I haven’t really got the time to be swayed with lovey-dovey feelings unlike any others coz I was extremely busy at work and MN with his new job. Off work, we were busy with the receptions and finding a house. The most treasured times are always the minutes I'm back home seeing him smiling at me (even if its 6 in the morning!)

6th June was amazingly wonderful. Of course, there were hiccups and lots of headaches but all in all, I was absolutely smitten and grateful to have such loving family, friends and a man who's charmingly adores me like crazy (i quote him). He's absolutely wonderful. Its the most cherished moment to which I shall never forget. Again, I'm speechless.

I went straight back to work on the 8th and haven't stop working since. But it got paid off as I have the most wonderful, relaxing and amazingly superb Sunday ever. Had a mini post-wedding vintage reception in Tanarimba, Janda Baik. The idea came about when I found the excellent venue on the net which then leads us to survey the 'heaven' and fell completely for it. The greens, the lodge house, lines of pine trees, the fresh bird-chirping weather in the was our perfect, perfect venue. Private and intimate just as what we always wanted.

We had vintage as the theme with everything in yellow and white. My husband worked hard to help me have the wedding of our dreams - we had all the venue set up by ourselves...well, mostly done by him with a help from my best friend, Ira and my colleague Izam. We had this planned and executed within a week; we collected hundreds of old books, yellow vintage typewriter, old phone oh and the list goes on! We took care of everything in every aspect of details; from the table set up - we placed yellow chrysanthemum in jars, tied 'em up simply with twines and placed on top of the books; to picking out the books titled 'love' and 'marriage', to the smallest things as clipping yellow napkin with clothes pegs, choosing out chocs and candies and I personally designed the badges for guests.

The typewriter was our guest book - guests typed in wishes on a sweet yellow paper. MN did the whole set up; look even sweet and lovelier than I pictured it to be! Definitely a fun project for us both and of course, with everything personalized...I think the result came out even better and we were extremely grateful that everything's so perfect for us.

We invited close friends about 70 of them including those who have worked hard for us during the reception in Muar. Its a celebration, we celebrated love yesterday. Its a very relaxing moment, there wasn't any stupid drama or pressure and everyone just chill around chatting, laughing, listening to the music and enjoying the whole serenity. The place was superb, food was extremely good and guests enjoyed themselves.

I'm still smitten.

Here's a few pictures and videos of both reception from Syahrin Aziz.

So hey, celebrate love. Even if you're totally bitter with it - its all about how you choose it to be. Happy or a spiteful one.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Comments for this entry


wah cantik sungguh picture...I like :)


hehe thanks dear :)


Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)


Azu & journey of a lady - Well, i am not in a position to talk about his rate coz it will seem unfair to him but all i can say is that he does gives good deals and he has exquisite design + workmanship is totally superb :)

And as for you dear Anonymous, I can't seem to recall who you are exactly and would appreciate if you give a little bit of intro :) As for my writing, well..lets just say it grows and improve :)

Thanks for reading everyone :)

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thanks..will consider him to make a dress for me... :)


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