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How To Feel Good During Black-Out

My advice to you: if the electricity power in your neighbourhood is down, for the umpteenth time, at midnight - grab a chair outside and read a book under the moonlight.

I have little idea on what the hell happened to TNB but after the power supply box burst last couple of days; I just go whatever. I did just that – grabbed a chair outside and read a book under the moonlight. With Hornby's How To Be Good and bug repellent sugar-coated my skin.

And it was interesting to see what people do during a black-out. The Malay couple on my left also lounged outside with their cat (who happens to be my kitty’s lover) and gossiped. My next-door neighbour, Mr. L took his family for a teh tarik after he chanted ‘waaah cannot tahan the heat. cannot tahan nyamuk! Now, the loveliest was my Indian neighbour who lives in front. They turned on some Tamil songs and danced happily like nobody's business.

Like a scene from a TNB’s ad.

Funnily enough, it happened on Earth Hour day. So what were you doing between 8.30pm to 9.30pm? MN and I went to the park and played badminton in the dark. (wow that rhymes) He has been persuading me into picking up the racket again. He even let me use his ‘this cost me RM550’, limited edition Yonex. I’m glad that I said yes. Feel damn good about my body though it’s aching all over now – a sign of exercise lack and improper warm-up. My skill isn’t lost as yet and that’s good to know.

So probably gonna have another round of game tonight after an early dinner at the lovebirds. Chicken Tikka Massala is up on the menu. And if the power supply decides to fail on us again, I know exactly what to do – grab a chair outside and read a book under the moonlight.

Comments for this entry


Hi, Ibah!

My way of entertaining blackout is to go for kunang-kunang hunt. funny, they seem to appear everytime a blackout ;)

p/s: interesting your blog is.


Again, you remind me of a TNB ad :) Unfortunately, its hard to find fireflies where I live.

Thanks a mil for the kind words, you :)


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